Thursday, January 1, 2009

Brand(ing) New Expectations

A New Year blog post by Seth Godin has been generating a lot of Twitter comments; specifically his closing paragraph/challenge about leading "change" through creativity:

"The opportunity this year is bigger than ever: to lead change, to create a movement in a direction you want to go. While the rest of your world huddles and holds back, here's a golden chance to use cheap media, available attention and great talent to make something that matters."

As we embark on a new era of "change", it is worth thinking about the ways social media has introduced change into everything from the way we market products and services to the way PR companies work with clients to the way we communicate with and to each other. This video "An anthropological introduction to YouTube", created by Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas State University and presented at the Library of Congress, June 23rd 2008, provides a fantastic perspective.